Saturday 8 March 2014

The Five Top Cardioprotective Nutrients

Cardiovascular disease is preventable. However the medical establishment has a poor record of treating cardiovascular disease. This is because they do not use nutrition to treat and prevent the causes of cardiovascular disease, but instead rely on drugs to treat the symptoms. Despite protestations to the contrary by the drug companies and their paid agents, nutrients have an exploratory track record for preventing and treating cardiovascular disease.

1. Garlic

Garlic is the king of cardioprotective nutrients. Garlic is effective at preventing and treating cardiovascular disease because it is a complex mixture of chemicals, many of which appear to have beneficial effects. Garlic has traditionally been used to treat and prevent cardiovascular disease for centuries and its use as a medicinale herb is well recorded in Chinese medicine. Whole garlic cloves appear more beneficial than supplements, but both have shown benefits.

2. Green Tea

Green tea has been researched extensively for its ability to inhibit free radicals. Free radicals cause tissue damage, including the endothelial dysfunction associated with cardiovascular disease. Green tea is effective at treating and preventing cardiovascular disease because it may lower the total free radical burden. The Low rates of cardiovascular disease in Japan have been attributed to their high consumption of green tea, which may be 5 to 6 cups per day.

3. Red Wine

What green tea is to the Japanese, red wine is to the French. Despite smoking, eating red meat and exercising little, the French have very low levels of cardiovascular disease, particularly the southern regions that have high intakes of red wine. Termed the French paradox, this protective effect of red wine is likely due to the ethanol and antioxidant content of red wine, both of which are beneficial. The French drink multiple glasses of red wine daily.

4. Berries

Like red wine and green tea, berries are a rich source of antioxidants. Frequent berry consumers have lower rates of cardiovascular disease than those who do not consume berries. The antioxidants in berries can lower blood pressure because they prevent endothelial dysfunction. In addition, the sugars, fibre and antioxidants in berries may have a combination effect at inhibiting glucose absorption and may therefore favourably lower blood sugar levels following a meal.

5. B6, B12 and Folic Acid

High level of homocysteine are a likely cause of cardiovascular disease. Homocysteine in high concentrations damages the artery linings and induces endothelial dysfunction. Homocysteine levels can be lowered by consuming optimal amounts of vitamin B6, vitamin B12 and folic acid. Because B vitamins are water soluble, a daily intake is required to ensure adequate levels. Supplements are also beneficial because they ensure a consistent intake.

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