Friday 7 March 2014

Abdominal Obesity And Cardiovascular Disease

Abdominal obesity is the buildup of excessive fat around the waist. Such belly fat is caused by a slow accumulation of triglycerides in and around the vital organs. In particular this fat accumulates in the liver and metabolic function is disrupted. As well as being unsightly, such belly fat increases the risk of developing a number of diseases including cardiovascular disease. This is because abdominal fat is a symptom of a metabolic disruption.

Subcutaneous Fat

Subcutaneous fat is located just under the skin, all over the body. In contrast to belly fat, subcutaneous fat does not increase the risk of cardiovascular disease. This reflects the fact that while belly fat is an outward representation of a metabolic disorder, subcutaneous fat isn't. Subcutaneous fat is a normal labile store of fat that can be used as energy during times of increased energy needs. In this respect, subcutaneous fat can be burnt during exercise as a source of energy.

Abdominal Fat

Abdominal fat is a product of faulty metabolism. High intakes of dietary fructose result in the formation of fatty acids in the liver and these accumulate in and around the central visceral organs. This causes insulin resistance which exacerbates the problem because glucose metabolism then deteriorates. As fats accumulate in the liver, non-alcoholic fatty liver develops and this further disrupts metabolic regulation, increasing fat deposition.

Cardiovascular Disease

Abdominal fat results in systemic inflammation as immune cells infiltrate the fat tissue of the viscera. The inflammation in turn causes systemic oxidative stress and this depletes the body of antioxidants. As antioxidant resources become depleted, cell and tissue damage ensue, and this causes inflammation in the endothelial lining of the arteries. This in turn decreases nitric oxide synthesis, which results in high blood pressure and cardiovascular disease.

Exercise And Dieting Doesn't Help

Exercise and dieting don't reverse the accumulation of belly fat because they are not the cause. Only high quality nutrition, devoid of metabolic poisons is effective at reversing the metabolic dysfunction that is the cause of abdominal obesity. In this respect traditional diets such as the Mediterranean diet are able to reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease. As metabolism returns to normal, the belly fat is used as a labile source of energy and the liver returns to health.

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